Mission and Nurture Committee

The Mission and Nurture Committee, in the area of missions, works with the mission treasurer and recommends to Session the yearly projects for mission funding and oversees the mission budget.  They also recommend for regular interpretation of all yearly and special offerings and projects.  This committee also organizes our yearly Mission Fest Service. In the area of outreach, they collaborate with and support the work of the Board of Deacons.  They also maintain the active and inactive membership rolls of the church.

The Mission and Nurture Committee also encourages discipleship by promoting the discovery and use of spiritual gifts and talents in the ministry and mission of the church.  The Spiritual Gifts Networking Program is offered to those who desire to explore this more in depth.  Two of our members have gone through a training program and provide the guidance and instruction for this program. A database of the information is being gathered from this program.  This information will list strengths and interests of people and be utilized as a tool to direct them to areas of service, which maximize their abilities.

Church Missions